A Holistic View of National Security
At the first meeting of the National Security Commission of the CPC Central Committee in April 2014, Xi Jinping emphasized the need to take a holistic view of national security. Through this approach, a full spectrum of security issues is assessed, ranging from personal security, which is the ultimate concern, and political security, which is of overarching importance, to economic security, which underpins all other considerations. Military, cultural and social perspectives reinforce efforts in other areas, and the promotion of international security provides support for measures taken in a national context. Following this line of thinking we are setting out to build a national security system with Chinese features.
The 19th CPC National Congress, in October 2017, confirmed that "pursuing a holistic approach to national security" is a basic policy that underpins the CPC's endeavors to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The Congress report declared, "We must put national interests first, take protecting our people's security as our mission and safeguarding political security as a fundamental task, and ensure both internal and external security, homeland and public security, traditional and non-traditional security, and China's own and common security. We will improve our systems and institutions and enhance capacity - building for national security, and resolutely safeguard China's sovereignty, security, and development interests." This holistic approach symbolizes the CPC's deeper understanding of national security, and is a powerful theoretical instrument to guide related work in the new era.